Family Financial Planning
Do you have a plan? That was the question posed by Joe Dougherty at our Lunch and Learn program on March 26. For those who were able to attend that day I’m sure it began a process of trying to answer that question and hopefully has resulted in some type of action. We have heard from a number of you, and it is great to hear about action steps you are taking.
Our speaker that day, Joe Dougherty a CPA, and CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst), with years of experience in both public accounting and investment analysis before answering the sirens call to positively influence the lives of young people through teaching at East Central University, School of Business, did an outstanding job. Go to our website: to get a copy of Joe’s power point presentation which outlines the Financial Planning process.
For those of you that were not able to attend I’ll pose that question to you. Do you have a plan? Going through the financial planning process for your family is just that, a process. It is not something you accomplish in one meeting. It is ongoing and involves plenty of healthy conversations between spouses and the advisors in your life (CPA, Attorney, Financial Advisor, and Insurance Advisor).
We encourage each of you to consider this. If it is something that you have been through before, maybe it is time for a review. Life happens and things change so it is always good to update things and keep your advisors informed. If you have never been through this process give us a call and let us help you get started. No matter what stage of life you are in it is time to start planning.
We want the best for you and your family.